Q4U - Quality 4 You - Engineering Consultants

Bauxite Mine Bauxite Mine

Underground extraction, Itea, 1978

Pozzolan Bulk Loading Spout Pozzolan Bulk Loading Spout

Xylokeratia, Milos

Limestone Aggregate Quarry Limestone Aggregate Quarry

Thourio, Livadia

Limestone Aggregate Quarry Limestone Aggregate Quarry

Chryssafa, Lakonia

Schist Quarry Schist Quarry

Avlida, Chalkida

Pumice Stone Quarry Pumice Stone Quarry

Conveyor belt, Giali, Nisyros

Specialised Services and Technical Studies

LATO S.A. – Limestone Aggregate Quarry, Chios Island


Suitability assessment of limestone-originating fine fraction to be used in agriculture and livestock farming.

Galanis Marbles S.A.


Assessment of marble process sub-product to be used in animal feed and cosmetology.

Rigas Bros S.A. – Marble Quarries


Rock suitability assessment to be used in the production of aggregates

Arkadia Quarries S.A. – Aggregates Quarry


Rock suitability assessment to be used in the production of aggregates 

MILOPAN S.A. – Perlite Mines


Assessment of physical-mechanical properties of perlite deposit in the island of Milos