Q4U - Quality 4 You - Specialised Services and Studies

Marble Quarry Marble Quarry

Agia Anna, Livadia

Pumice Stone Quarry Pumice Stone Quarry

Conveyor belt, Giali, Nisyros

Marble Quarry Marble Quarry

Machaira Marla,Tinos

Marble Quarry Marble Quarry

Kinidaros, Naxos

Pozzolan Bulk Loading Spout Pozzolan Bulk Loading Spout

Xylokeratia, Milos

Cement Bricks Production Plant Cement Bricks Production Plant

Agios Minas, Sifnos

Specialised Services and Studies

Mineral, Rock and Material Evaluation
There are many natural materials (minerals, rocks, ornamental stones etc.) abundant around us, whose primary or alternative use we are unaware of.
Furthermore, the seemingly useless residue – waste from some production activity (eg. dust collected from a dedusting system, mining waste, excavation, construction and demolition waste etc.) could have beneficial alternative uses. 
The company is in position to provide to interested parties the possibility to evaluate rocks, minerals and other materials according to standards and specifications (or any other prescriptive framework) pertaining either to a specific use of products (eg. building materials, cosmetology, nutrition etc.) or to specific requirements/ specifications set by the interested parties themselves.
Concrete Plant Design, Organisation and Supervision
The company has significant experience in issues related to concrete production, technology and quality. More specifically, the company can provide support in the following fields:
  1. Batching cost optimisation 
  2. Equipment selection (production, laboratory etc.) 
  3. Elaboration of studies related to conventional and specialised concrete production (coloured, mortar, fiber-reinforced, concrete for special use etc.)
  4. Monitoring – supervision of production plants (Concrete Quality Control engineering services pursuant to the Legislation currently in force).
Legal Services
With the support of the company, legal services are provided on the following fields:
  1. Air pollution 
  2. Climate change 
  3. Water management 
  4. Waste management 
  5. Energy
  6. Sound pollution 
  7. Environmental licensing 
  8. Natura 2000 areas
  9. Mining and quarrying legislation 
  10. Administrative appeals